Twinning with Club Marconi in Bologna


The first twinning between Club Marconi-Genoa (Italy) and Radio Group Guglielmo Marconi-Bologna (Italy) dates back to July 1995, during the invention of radio Centenary commemoration.
The Club Marconi from Genoa made the first QSL with the heading in Braille alphabet.

On 28th July 1995 in Milan (Italy), during the historical radio exhibition, the most important Italian radio groups representatives had a meeting. Our group President was there and the Princess Elettra Marconi autographed the Award creates for the first Marconi'groups twinning.
This QSL has been created by Gruppo Marconi - Bologna for the 25th anniversary of the Italian CB status legalization. The card showns two news appeared on newspapers at that time. They announced  illegal transmissions on 27MHz done by a group of Italian Parliament members to solicit the CB legalization.
The QSL has been sent to everyone who made a contact with the special stations arranged by Groups Marconi both.